Events Calendar

Pathways promotes events—educational, cultural, metaphysical, spiritual, holistic, health and wellness related—offered by the Pathways Community and beyond. Listings are uploaded quarterly with each new magazine issue, then ongoing as events are received.

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12/4-5 This class (building on Energy Structure and Mechanics, Parts 1 and 2). explains how intuition works as a function of energy and how to become competent in the use of intuition. Learning includes: The energy of intuition and how it works; The energy structure and flows involved in using intuition; How the body reacts to vibration & the resulting transfer to the psychic senses; Using intuition to sense and interpret energy as information; The brain and reading energy; Forms of intuition; How to use intuition on demand; Skill building exercises. 12pm -6pm (both days). Tuition: $350 if paid by November 15, 2021: $380 if paid late. To Register: call Wanda at 812-705-5135 or email Katie at

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