Events Calendar
Pathways promotes events—educational, cultural, metaphysical, spiritual, holistic, health and wellness related—offered by the Pathways Community and beyond. Listings are uploaded quarterly with each new magazine issue, then ongoing as events are received.
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Art with Alcohol Ink
March 25, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Nature takes many forms, and in this Art with Alcohol Ink workshop you’ll learn to use alcohol inks to create vibrant and colorful art on ceramic tiles. These art prints often resemble some of nature’s most beautiful flowers. In this class you’ll learn about alcohol inks and how they can be applied to different surfaces, practice using the ink, and finally make and take home a ceramic tile. Additional ceramic tiles will be available for purchase if you choose to make more than one.
Tickets are $45 per person. Must be 12+ to attend (ages 12-16 require presence of a guardian). Register at event link.