Events Calendar
Pathways promotes events—educational, cultural, metaphysical, spiritual, holistic, health and wellness related—offered by the Pathways Community and beyond. Listings are uploaded quarterly with each new magazine issue, then ongoing as events are received.
Search for workshops, classes, services, podcasts, expos & fairs, meetups and more—virtual and in-person—using event names, topics, or organizer information to narrow your results.
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Reach thousands of unique visitors with a Calendar listing, which runs in our print edition (when received by submission deadline) and online (anytime). Questions? Contact Us!
Multidimensional Healing: A Pull Your Self Together Online Workshop
October 24, 2021 @ 2:00 pm
Explore the possibility that each choice you make creates an alternate version of you that experiences the road you did not travel. Would you look at your life differently if you knew another version of you experienced what you regret not doing? What if you could connect with those other selves and support each other as together you experience the whole of what it means to be alive?