Current Issue — Spring 2025 — What’s Inside…

Reclaiming Our Deepest Roots: An Introduction to Nature Informed Therapy
By Heidi Schreiber-Pan, PhD, LCPC
Nature Informed Therapy is grounded in the idea that we humans and the natural environment are deeply interwoven. When we experience disconnection from nature, we also experience distress, anxiety, or a generalized sense of unease. Conversely, as we mend our bond with the living world, we often see psychological and emotional healing unfold in a way that feels authentic and life-affirming….

By Annie Larson
Spirit guides are non-physical entities that assist you in your life’s journey. They are unique to each person and are a part of one’s spiritual team. These benevolent presences deeply attune themselves to your life’s purpose, challenges, and growth. They offer wisdom, ignite inspiration, and provide support, all while subtly guiding you through life’s various challenges. Your guides can be angels, ancestors, nature spirits, star beings, animal spirits, ascended masters, deities, or other beings who have a sincere desire to help you….

Reinventing and Revisioning A Better World
By Laurie Timmerman
A legion of many tens of millions of people globally are engaged every day to face off against the pervasive, progressive corruption of a rigged economic system and a rigged political system. They represent legitimate civil society groups, networks and actions that tackle the issues of social and economic justice, human rights, peace advocacy, community and humanitarian assistance, environmental protection, public legal defense, anti-corruption efforts, regenerative farming, and investigative media. Take an armchair tour to explore some of them….

By Dr. Ama Olson, DPT; edited by Cam MacQueen
In these challenging times, we can feel overwhelmed and disempowered by the news and current events. However, we are in charge of the way we feel and think, not the influences of the external world. Carving out time for a rest practice — a repose from life’s activities — can help realize our power over our thoughts and feelings. If we move deeper into these self awareness practices, we will begin to see the external world around us shift and change to reflect our internal state. The external world will become a reflection of the power we have taken back, and a reflection of our own comfort and ease. We will find this to be the most powerful act to make positive change in the world around us….

Spring 2025: The Passion of Aries
By Misty Kuceris
Astrologically speaking, there is so much occurring this spring of 2025. On March 1, 2025, Venus in Aries turns retrograde; and two weeks later on March 15, 2025, Mercury in Aries turns retrograde. The Spring Equinox, the start of the astrological year, occurs on March 20, 2025. Meanwhile the first eclipse of the year, a total lunar eclipse also known as a Blood Moon, occurs on March 14, 2025, and the second eclipse, a partial solar eclipse, occurs on March 29, 2025….

Supporting Liver Detox With Functional Medicine and TCM
By Helena Amos, M.Ac. L.Ac., Euro. Physician
The need to cleanse in Spring is natural. After a long winter of hibernation, stagnation and overindulgence in holiday and comfort foods, snow days, and nights bingeing your favorite entertainment, the body is ready for a thorough detoxing and reset. It does this naturally every day with your liver, the body’s primary filtration system, with much assistance from your gallbladder. Together, the liver and gallbladder represent the dynamic duo of detoxification. As such, it’s critical to understand how they work, and what healthcare approaches are available to keep them balanced and healthy….

Tailbone: Where The End Is Also A Beginning
By Charles S. Masarsky, D.C.
At the lower end of the spine is the remnant of what was once a tailbone in the human evolutionary past — the coccyx. In a number of ways, this bone at the spine’s end is also a beginning. In the meridian system of acupuncture, it is near the origin of the governing vessel. In Yoga and ayurvedic healing, the coccyx (or tailbone) is located near the Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra), the first of seven energy centers. Western health science has also long understood the importance of this bone. The coccyx functions as a site of attachment for muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor, to support the position of the anus, and to provide weight-bearing support when seated….

Rachel Carson (Part Four): Reinvention, Naturally
By Rebecca Henson
Spring is a welcome season for many of us, bringing much-missed light and warmth, not to mention a more expansive color palette to a previously dulled world. Spring offers unique smells and sounds, proof that life has yet again returned, not merely reawakened but renewed. It feels miraculous.
Renewal, though, is not a once-a-year phenomenon. If we look deep enough, or widen our lens to the periphery, we see that life and the Earth itself are in a constant state of motion, transforming and reinventing over millions of years, a subject Rachel Carson wrote about throughout the entirety of her literary career, and in clear-eyed, often profound letters to loved ones in the months and years before her death in 1964….

Understanding Biodegradable and Compostable Plastics: The Green Consumer’s Dilemma
From PlantSwitch
We all want to be eco-friendly. We bring our reusable bags to the grocery store, opt for bamboo toothbrushes, and diligently separate our recyclables. But when it comes to understanding the difference between “biodegradable” and “compostable,” it’s easy to get tangled up in the green jargon. At first glance, these two terms might seem interchangeable. After all, they both imply that a product breaks down and returns to nature, right? Well, not exactly. There’s a world of difference between biodegradable and compostable materials, and understanding these distinctions is key to making smarter choices for the planet….

Embodying Joy: The Hidden Power of Intentional Play
By Monisha Mittal
Have you ever felt a whisper in your heart asking you to leap — into the unknown, into possibility, or into an opportunity you weren’t sure you were ready for?… For me, the answer has been unconventional: I found my way forward through play! In a time of uncertainty, play became a glidepath, bypassing self-doubt and fear, opening me to possibility, and revealing a new way of being. Instead of forcing a plan, I learned to trust my internal compass and attune to life’s possibilities. Though I stepped into a specific type of physical improvisational play, I discovered having intentional play spaces is an essential practice for all adults, not just to navigate uncertainty and growth but also to realize their Higher Dimensional potential….

Reinvention is a fresh start. Contributors within the Pathways Community share their personal stories of reinvention, and on the lessons we can take away from them.
- Answering the Deep Calling, By Dr. Trish Hall
- In Difficult Times, ‘Load In’ Empathy, By Mariana Martinez
- My Spiritually-Awakened Reinvention, By Emily Jennings

Spring Bling: Early Charmers From the Herb World
By Sara Auckenthaler
Spring’s riot of color bursts out full of early herbal charms, aligning perfectly with our tendency to renew and detoxify. These herbs — Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Cleavers (Galium aparine), Chickweed (Stellaria media) (Star Chickweed; Stellaria pubera), Purple Dead Nettle (Lamium purpureum), Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), and Plantain (Plantago spp.) — are my favorite spring herbs to wild-craft. Each can be harvested from the mountains and lands around us and can be cultivated in a medicinal herb garden. Plus each can be made into teas, tinctures, salves and poultices! It’s only fitting to revisit these herbs that return during this season to explore the ways they restore and purify the body’s natural rhythms….

By Kathy Jentz
Spring is in the air! The sap is rising in the trees. The birds are singing. We are ready to charge outside and get that new garden planted. But pace yourself and do a little at a time, lest you pull a muscle or exhaust yourself. Treat this list as just a guideline — suggestions and not “must dos.” Select a few tasks to tackle each spring weekend, and by the time summer gets here you’ll have a bountiful and beautiful garden….

Springtime, Sun and Light: Pathway To Enlightenment
By Carmen Froment
Here we are, approaching the seasonal spring equinox! The sun, with its golden light, bathes nature with its quintessence and revives everything. The subject of LIGHT is a fascinating one. Light is at the root of nearly every religion or every spiritual movement, yet none can say it is exclusively theirs. Light is so essential we cannot exist without it, much less find our way around without it on the physical plane. On the mental plane, light plays a role, as in the expression “I see what you mean”, or in our reference to a person’s “luminous mind”. And there is also the light that belongs to the spiritual plane, such as wisdom and enlightenment….

- The Souls of Black Folk, by W.E.B. Du Bois
- The Power of We: Succeeding Through Partnerships, by Jonathan M. Tisch with Karl Weber

By Jazmine Jenné Williams
Spring welcomes the dancing birds, fragrant flowers, warm rains, and green-filled trees. It brings a soft and subtle emergence of the earth and self. Similarly to the seeds of a marigold flower, we now uncoil from our winter days spent in the dark moist earth. Unthawed but having gained much wisdom from the prior season, it is now time for dancing under the orange sun and warm moonlit skies. Spring sings us awake and raises us anew. It vividly reflects a version of ourselves we may have never known yet was waiting to be born. Attuned, we call this new version in, give it roots to grow, and invite its becoming….

Remembering Geoffrey Clendinning Morell, JP, ND
By Sally Fallon