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Mariposa Life Coaching & Hypnosis

Contact: Jeanette Rojas
Work 1201 Seven Locks Road Rockville MD 20854 Work Phone: 240-463-9184 Website: Mariposa Life Coaching & Hypnosis
Photo of Mariposa Life Coaching & Hypnosis


Live your best life now through hypnosis and spiritual life coaching! Tap into higher consciousness through past, parallel, and in-between life regressions and/or spiritual life coaching.

For the last 30 years I have dedicated my life to learning more about and practicing energy healing work through life coaching. My healing journey has helped me understand the power of connecting with a higher consciousness that knows what is best for us. Communicating with our guides, our higher-self, and our own divine intuition can have a transformative result.

Let’s work together to unlock your inner-joy and strength. Free 20 minute consultation.

Categories: Coaching & Counseling, Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy