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The Shamanic Way
The Shamanic Way, uniquely created and taught by Marsheen, offers you an opening to the dimensional world of Earth/Sky medicine. Pathways to inner guidance, power animals and Spirit guides are made accessible, awakening you to ones true self identify, soul gifts, and healing grace.
Individual soul readings, shamanic trainings, and ritual circles synchronize ones life to the greater cycles of Earth, Star, Sun, and Moon.
The ancient saying, What you know, there you can go, defines the core of Shamanic Spiritualism. The Shamanic Way unites you to the meaning of oneness, weaving ones personal experience from ritual and journeying into being Heart Wisdom. All of creation is blessed.
Marsheen Helgeson is a Holistic Practitioner serving the DC and NOVA area for 30 years. Her private practice includes polarity therapy, cranial sacral therapy, soul readings, intuitive counseling, and the teaching of polarity and shamanic studies.